Nutrition and Holistic Wellness

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the best (and easiest) banana pancakes


We’ve been making these banana pancakes for our boys since they started finger foods and haven’t looked back. They’re loved by the whole family and couldn’t be easier to make. 

Depending on the age of your baby, you may want to cut these into long strips or bite sized pieces. 

We love dipping them in unsweetened almond butter or peanut butter (we love this and this) and pairing with berries (we gently smash with a finger for our little ones for reduced choking hazard).

Pancakes cut into bite sized pieces served alongside nut butter for dipping and berries smashed gently with a finger.

The best banana pancakes
Yields 5-6 medium pancakes

2 ripe medium to large bananas, mashed
1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk (we love Malk)
3/4 cup organic oat flour
1 large organic egg
a few shakes of cinnamon
organic avocado oil spray or coconut oil


  1. In a medium to large glass bowl, mash the banana until thoroughly pureed. Add the egg and almond milk and whisk to combine. Then add the oat flour and cinnamon and whisk until the batter is thickened and uniform in consistency.

  2. Coat a medium non-stick or cast iron skillet with avocado oil spray or a thin layer of coconut oil (you can use paper towel to distribute solid coconut oil) and then warm over medium heat.

  3. Scoop 1/4 cup portions (or slightly smaller) of the batter onto the hot pan and cook for 2-3 minutes before flipping the pancakes and cooking for 1-2 minutes longer. Repeeat as necessary until all the batter has been used.

  4. Slice pancakes into strips or cut into bite sized pieces to serve, depending on the age of your baby. Serve immediately or allow to cool before storing. Store in the refrigerator for up to 4 days, or freeze for up to 1 month (we like to cut into strips before freezing).