Nutrition and Holistic Wellness

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pumpkin pie smoothie


Like everyone else, we’re guilty of pumpkin spice everything this time of year. We especially love it in this fall-inspired pumpkin pie smoothie. Our love for pumpkin extends well beyond its delicious and comforting flavor – it’s also high in fiber, vitamins (A, C, E, K and B), antioxidants, and it’s a great source of zinc and potassium.

This recipe follows our MELA smoothie formula: fiber (greens, chia seeds and pumpkin) + protein (protein powder) + healthy fat (almond butter) + liquid (almond milk) + optional flavor boost (spices and optional MELA approved sweeteners). Our MELA smoothies are designed to provide the right combination of nutrients to leave you feeling nourished, satisfied and energized. We recommend having this smoothie for breakfast or lunch, or even as a more filling afternoon snack on days when lunch or dinner are on the lighter side.

Pumpkin pie smoothie
Serves 1

1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk
1 scoop vanilla protein powder (we used Livwell)
1/2 cup canned pumpkin puree (not pumpkin pie filling)
1-2 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice
1 handful of spinach
1 tablespoon chia seeds
1 tablespoon unsweetened almond (or walnut butter)
Handful of ice

1 pitted date, 1/4 frozen banana or 2 drops of liquid stevia


  1. Combine all ingredients in a high-speed blender. Serve.

  2. Note: if you prefer a thicker and icier constancy for your smoothie, add in 2-4 ice cubes or 1/2 cup frozen cauliflower rice. If you prefer a thinner smoothie, add more almond milk.